Underlinings (#64)

Ancient Greek robot stories, and more:

Out of Pandora’s box flew pestilence, disaster, misfortune. In simple versions of the myth, the last thing to flutter out of Pandora’s box was hope. But deeper, darker versions say that instead of hope, the last thing in the box was ‘anticipation of misfortune’. In this version, Pandora panicked and slammed down the lid, trapping foreknowledge inside. Deprived of the ability to foresee the future, humankind received what we call ‘hope’.


Stupidity for one side of the strategic equation is added camouflage for the other.

Pipeline notes


Promised for June, then for July, this is being re-scheduled for (everything that’s crossable, crossed) September. The project has grown under its own intrinsic momentum from a 20,000 word philosophical novella, through a 30-40,000 book (when the last promises were made), to a 50,000 word — “please, by all that is holy and unholy, make it stop!” — and still swelling entity, but the lid is being pushed down on it quite firmly now. Structure:

Chapter-1: Cryptocurrency as Critique
Chapter-2: Bitcoin and its Doubles
Chapter-3: State of Play
Chapter-4: Cash Machines
Chapter-5: The Open Secret
+ three appendices (Bitcoin paper; Technonomics, Dracoin)
++ more than 5,000 words of endnotes
+++ elaborate apparatus (timeline, people, institutions, coins, glossary, references …)

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